Our appearances in the media
Our project is talked about in the media ! Find here all of our appearances in the press, on the radio, on television…
December 21st, 2023 – France Inter
“Students at the summit of environmental involvement”
Laurène and Nathan were on the “Esprit d’initiative” radio programme, listen here.

August 10, 2023 – France Bleu Isère
“Five students from Grenoble will build a recycling center at the foot of Mount Everest in Nepal”
August 2, 2023 – Place Gre’net
“Tri-Haut for Everest: Grenoble students to build a recycling center in Nepal”.
To read the article, click here…
"FOCUS - With just a few months to go before their departure for the land of the Sherpas, the five Grenoble-based students of Tri-Haut pour l'Everest are busy setting up a recycling center in Pangboche, close to Nepal's Everest. From a technical, logistical and financial point of view, these soon-to-be-qualified engineers and architects are determined to see their project through. Construction of the center is due to start in 2024" Article available on place grenet.

July 20, 2023 – Radio Grésivaudan
July 17, 2023 – Le Dauphiné Libéré
Le Dauphiné Libéré a écrit un article sur notre projet et la troisième équipe !

May 18, 2023 – Le Monde des grandes écoles et université

Le monde des grandes écoles featured us in its May magazine., To read it, click here…
To see our earlier appearances, led by the first teams, go here :