Our sponsors
Such a project would not be possible without financial, logistical and technical suppport from our different sponsors and collaborators. We thanks them for that !
Our engineering school, without which we would never have met each other and without which the project would never have taken place : ENSE3, the School of Water, Energy and the Environment!

Artelia is an international multidisciplinary consulting, engineering and project management group operating in a wide range of sectors. They provide us with technical and financial support.

Highland Initiatives is an association that has supported over 50 Himalayan projects since 2002, particularly in the field of preserving fragile mountain ecosystems. The association is also behind the Clean Everest project in Tibet, which has been existing since 2013.
EarthWake is an association/company working on the development of plastic pyrolysis. Their knowledge in this field is a great help to us on the project. After many discussions with them, we decided to stop the development of the pyrolysis. They are also supporting us financially with the injection moulding machine and the creation of the mould/object.

Alibert Trekking is a travel agency specializing in outdoor activities, and committed to developing responsible tourism. They support us financially, and welcomed us to their stand at the Rencontres Ciné Montagne 2023 in Grenoble so that we could present our project.
The Grenoble INP Foundation provides financial and logistical support for projects launched by Grenoble INP students. It is an essential asset in the project, since without them, we simply couldn’t allow you to claim tax exemption on your donations. They’ve been supporting us from the very beginning of the project.

The Isère department supports us through the “Coup de Pouce – Jeunes Isère” grant, which we won this year.

Omexom ENR SO based in Toulouse, is a company committed to the environment, specializing in the design of photovoltaic power plants. They support us financially so that we can carry out our project.
Les Alumnis is Grenoble INP’s former students network, a monumental network of contacts that’s very useful to a project like ours. But also a very welcome financial support.

Atelier Dhunga is an architectural firm composed of three French architects with experience of building in Nepal, having already built a school there. We are working with them to design the center and prepare the construction site.

Johe Bruneau is a creator, designer and artist since 2018. Precious Plastic ambassador and co-founder of Precious Plastic France. He helped and advised us on the injection molding machine, including the design of the object and its mold.

French Light Outdoor is a French brand of eco-responsible outdoor equipment run by Florent. He provided us with some beautiful, ultra-light, made-to-measure quilts.

Wweeddoo is a collaborative platform that supports project leaders aged 13 to 30, and we were lucky enough to win 1st prize in the “Projets Planète” competition.

Banque Populaire supports us through the “Prix Initiatives Associations” grant we won this year.

Quai Work is a friendly coworking space to the west of Nantes that supports us financially. If you’re looking for a simple, authentic and warm place to work, don’t hesitate to drop in!

Expeditions Unlimited is an agency specialising in high mountain expeditions, based in Nepal, and they are helping us to develop our network.

Astral is a brand of kayaking equipment designed to have as little impact as possible on the environment. They are donating 5% of sales of their “Wild Things” Green Jacket.

Chapka is an insurance company specializing in international travel, allowing us to leave for Nepal with peace of mind.